Hi,<br><br>If you want to make a new translational of workspace, You must first find the original properties file. Many .property files are opencms.jar which is located on WEB-INF/lib<br><br>But what about administration view and the modules there for example link validation, file history etc..? Where can we find the properties which are used in moduls? You can find each module property file in its zip file which is located at WEB-INF\packages\modules for example org.opencms.workplace.tools.link_1.2.0.zip contains the Link Validation Module message.properties.<br><br>After extraction the zip file and finding the message property, copy it in the classes directory (consider its corespondent package) and rename the extantion of message.property. For example WEB-INF\classes\org\opencms\workplace\tools\history\message_fa.properties for persian message resource boundle.<br><br>Hope it would be time saving, it took me some time to find all these message.property
files!<br><br>Regards,<br>Alireza Fattahi<p>
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