<div> </div>
<div>I worked on this the last days and i didn't find a possibility the get a readble password out of an user. The Password is decoded into md5, i think, and as far as i k´know, there isn't any possibility the retrieve a md5 into human readable coding and there's nothing, where opencms retrieves a password. I'm working currently on a component for opencms, where i need to build a cmsobject with a user with admin rights, but i don't want to write a user with it'S password into sourcecode(
cmsObject.loginuser(String username, String password)) nor to change the permissions of every file i have to alter before doing stuff with it and afterwards. (The user, who should initiate this component has no adminrights, so i have to switch the user of cmsObject)
<div> </div>
<div>At topic:<br>But you can directly alter passwords in the db opencms uses(CMS_USER)</div>
<div>At this point, i think it#s not very save, that the db connection stuff is written readable in the opencms.properties file</div>
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<div>Does anybody know a solution?<br> </div>
<div>Thanks for listening<br>Andy</div>