Hi everyone,<br><br>I was thinking about an article management system : writer, validator, pulisher when I found something special. It seems that you don't need to publish a ressource to see it online...<br><br>If i'm correct, when you create a resource on an offline project, the resource isn't not available online. But it seems there is bug, and the current resource is available. Furthermore if I edit an resource, modifications are directly online, but the OpenCMS workflow indicates me that the modification hasn't be published... So the question is : what's wrong ?<br>
<br>I was also wondering if I could attribute permissions like this way :<br><ul><li>user : just read resources</li><li>writer : can create, or edit resource but not publish them<br></li><li>validator : can approve last editing resources</li>
<li>publisher : the only with admin who can publish resources</li><li>adminsitrator : GOD</li></ul>This is the thing i try to do, but the currently bug is real problem, because when i use the edition mode, modifications are published, but not noticed as published. I don't want them to be online before i clicked on the PUBLISH BUTTON<br>
<br>Regards<br><br>-- <br>TERRITORIO Jordan-Victor<br>Ingénieur d'Intégration Java<br>TEAMLOG – Ingenieurs 2000<br><br>+33 6 30 66 54 69<br><a href="mailto:jot@teamlog.com">jot@teamlog.com</a>