Hi Friends,<br><br>I dont can solution for this, with taglib...<br><br><cms:contentload collector="singleFile" param="/test/file1.html" editable="manual"><br> <c:set var="myTitle"><br>
<cms:contentshow element="Title"/><br> </c:set><br><br>In my contentload, I get myTitle with:<br> String myTitle = pageContext.getAttribute("myTitle");<br><br>And I change myTitle = myTitle + " my title changed";<br>
<br>How can insert in my element Title new value, changed, easy with taglib, in my /test/file1.html?<br><cms:contentshow> is only see, and how can make inverse? I can scriplet, but I want taglib because maybe easy make...<br>
<br></cms:contentload><br><br>thank you friends,<br><br>Deiverson Silveira<br>SolutionCMS Team<br>