Hello,<br><br>I have been using opencms for some time and I found some problems using the webdav feature. There is a previous post in this mail-list (<a href="http://lists.opencms.org/pipermail/opencms-dev/2008q3/030594.html">http://lists.opencms.org/pipermail/opencms-dev/2008q3/030594.html</a>) with the same problem.<br>
<br>I can mount the webdav "partition" with davfs2 and the windows shared folders but I can not create or modify any file. I have these lines in the web.xml file:<br><br> <servlet>
<br> <description>
<br> Creates an access to OpenCms through WebDAV.
<br> </description>
<br> <servlet-name>OpenCmsWebDavServlet</servlet-name>
<br> <servlet-class>org.opencms.webdav.CmsWebdavServlet</servlet-class>
<br> <init-param>
<br> <param-name>listings</param-name>
<br> <param-value>true</param-value>
<br> </init-param>
<br> <init-param>
<br> <param-name>readonly</param-name>
<br> <param-value>false</param-value>
<br> </init-param>
<br> <init-param>
<br> <param-name>repository</param-name>
<br> <param-value>standard</param-value>
<br> </init-param>
<br> </servlet><br><br>Nevertheless I only have read permission on the wevdav "partition". <br><br>Is there any problem with my configuration? Thank you in advance.<br><br>-- <br>Alberto Abián<br>