<div> </div>
<div>got a serious problem and I can´t solve.</div>
<div> </div>
<div>Put the site into production and when is a time of use, gives IOException connection.</div>
<div> </div>
<div>The site will have on average 10,000 hits per day, I am not able to do some configuration in opencms.properties</div>
<div> </div>
<div>JDK 1.5</div>
<div>JBoss 4.2.1</div>
<div>OpenCms 7.0.5</div>
<div>SqlServer 2005</div>
<div> </div>
<div>Is a site for the government, and various aspects are being criticized for using free software, due to this error, I know opencms is a great software, but I am not getting set to stay stable in production, can someone help me ?<br clear="all">
<div>Deiverson Silveira</div>
<div> </div>
<div>My opencms.properties is:</div>
<div>#<br># Configuration of the driver manager<br>#################################################################################<br>driver.vfs=db<br>driver.project=db<br>driver.user=db<br>driver.history=db</div>
<div> </div>
<div>#<br># Declaration of database pools<br>#################################################################################<br>db.pools=default</div>
<div>#<br># Configuration of the default database pool<br>#################################################################################<br># name of the JDBC driver<br>db.pool.default.jdbcDriver=net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver</div>
<div># URL of the JDBC driver<br>db.pool.default.jdbcUrl=jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://xxx:1433/portal</div>
<div># optional parameters for the URL of the JDBC driver<br>db.pool.default.jdbcUrl.params=</div>
<div># user name to connect to the database<br>db.pool.default.user=xxx</div>
<div># password to connect to the database<br>db.pool.default.password=xxx</div>
<div># the URL to make the JDBC DriverManager return connections from the DBCP pool<br>db.pool.default.poolUrl=opencms:default</div>
<div>#modifiquei de 50 para 500<br># the maximum number of objects that can be borrowed from the pool<br>db.pool.default.maxActive=50</div>
<div># the maximum amount of time before throwing an exception when the pool is exhausted<br>db.pool.default.maxWait=2000</div>
<div># the minimum number of objects that will kept connected<br>db.pool.default.minIdle=3</div>
<div>#modifiquei de 10 para 100<br># the maximum number of objects that can sit idled in the pool<br>db.pool.default.maxIdle=10</div>
<div># action to take when the pool is exhausted {grow|block|fail}<br>db.pool.default.whenExhaustedAction=grow</div>
<div># connections will be validated before they are borrowed from the pool<br>db.pool.default.testOnBorrow=false</div>
<div># connections will be validated by evictor thread<br>db.pool.default.testWhileIdle=true</div>
<div># number of milliseconds to sleep between runs of the evictor thread<br># -1 means no idle connection evictor thread will be run<br>db.pool.default.timeBetweenEvictionRuns=3600000</div>
<div># number of connections tested in a run of the evictor thread<br>db.pool.default.numTestsPerEvictionRun=3</div>
<div># minimum amount of time in milliseconds a connection may be idle in the pool before it is eligable for eviction<br>db.pool.default.minEvictableIdleTime=1800000</div>
<div># the query to validate connections<br>#db.pool.default.testQuery=SELECT STRUCTURE_ID FROM CMS_OFFLINE_STRUCTURE WHERE RESOURCE_PATH = '/'<br>db.pool.default.testQuery=</div>
<div>#modifiquei de 100 para 1000<br># number of attempts to connect to the database during startup (default = 10)<br>db.pool.default.connects=100</div>
<div># sleep time between two attempts to connect to the database during startup in ms (default = 5000)<br>db.pool.default.wait=5000</div>
<div>#<br># Configuration for statement pooling<br>#################################################################################<br>db.statements.default.pooling=true<br>#modifiquei 200 para 2000<br>db.statements.default.maxActive=200000<br>
db.statements.default.maxWait=2000<br>#modifiquei de 100 para 1000<br>db.statements.default.maxIdle=100<br>db.statements.default.whenExhaustedAction=grow</div>
<div>#<br># Configuration of the database driver manager<br>#################################################################################<br><a href="http://db.name">db.name</a>=mssql</div>
<div>#<br># Ethernet address used for UUID generation<br># Server name used for various messages<br>#################################################################################<br>server.ethernet.address=15:d4:e8:c1:c4:f8<br>
<a href="http://server.name">server.name</a>=OpenCmsServer</div>
<div>#<br># Enable/Disable OpenCms Setup Wizard<br># The wizard sets the flag to false after the setup.<br># To use the wizard again, reset it manually to true.<br># By setting no value, wizard can always be used.<br>#################################################################################<br>
<div>#<br># Enable/Disable exception thrown during servlet initialization.<br># If disabled there is no attempt to reinitialize the servlet, so the servlet<br># container has to be restarted, as required by some servlet containers that<br>
# does not like servlets throwing exceptions during initialization.<br>#################################################################################<br>servlet.exception.enabled=true<br></div>
<div><br>-- <br>É o que você faz para as pessoas que você diz amar que realmente importa...<br><br>Deixe Deus falar ao seu coração, ouça sua voz... Ele pode realizar na sua vida mais do você pode imaginar...<br></div>