Hello all,<br><br>I have a small problem regarding downloading a file from the OpenCms admin interface.<br><br>I'm implementing a CmsListDialog and at executeListSingleActions i try to send a file to the user's browser but hasn't worked out so far.<br>
If I use the OutputStream of the response object, the admin interface freezez from the point of the download further. <br><br>If I use the same jsp that instantiates the CmsListDialog (using getToolManager().jspForwardTool or getToolManager().jspForwardPage) to get a parameter and download the file before it instantiates the list, the same thing happens (freezes the interface). I searched the OpenCms admin interface to see if Alkakon did something like this to take a peek into the source code, but couldn't find anything.<br>
<br>The file doesn't exist on the server, it's "built" from a database blob.<br><br>Regards,<br><br>Chuck<br>