Hi list<br><br>I've a problem with a implementation of opencms7.0.5.<br><br>Some people developed a new module into opencms, this module have calls to database connections, but when i start the application on tomcat this application made the tomcat down, review the logs and the connections on tomcat, and this grow up quickly. Now the people that developed the module, reviewed the source and changed the form to close connections. First, they have implemented pattern singleton and add sentence finally into the block try/catch. <br>
<br>I tried run the app with this changes, but now the tomcat generate many process in states CLOSE_WAIT, i was searching in internet references and found that the problem is the application, I suppose that into the application i need close the connection with the tomcat. <br>
<br>please i hope you can help me<br><br>greetings<br><br>Ricardo<br><br><br><br>