<div><br>Im trying to develop a widget for image-multiselection from the vfs: <br></div>
<div>when an user edit an structured content with this widget a button apears. When the button is clicked a popup allows to the user select multiples images from the vfs.<br>When the popup is closed all the path of the selected images are inserted in the structured content. Each image path must be mapped to a diffent element.</div>
<p><xsd:complexType name="OpenCmsImage"><br> <xsd:sequence><br> <xsd:element name="image" type="OpenCmsString" /><br> <xsd:element name="description" type="OpenCmsString" /><br>
<xsd:element name="title" type="OpenCmsString" /><br> </xsd:sequence><br> <xsd:attribute name="language" type="OpenCmsLocale" use="optional"/><br></xsd:complexType><br>
Is this possible?<br> <br>Thanks,<br>VPode.</p>