<FONT face="Default Sans Serif,Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif" size=2><P>Hi all !</P><P>We just integrate Spring MVC with OpenCms ... unfortunatly there is still some unclear things ...</P><P>Does anybody can explain me what's the better way to deal with Session in such context (for shared object between Spring & the opencms-jsp-view)?</P><P>What I mean is : For example, I "login in" in SpringMVC ... and I did not get if I have something to do to be logged in the view (assumed by a jsp template in OpenCMS).</P><P>That's probably unclear ... so does anybody has a sample of code where the MVC is assumed by Spring and where in the view-opencms-jsp I can use all the CMS bean (wich are synchronized with all what happened in Spring : loggin, switch offline, change SiteRoot ..)</P><P>thx</P><P> </P></FONT><font face="sans-serif"><html>
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