<p>We have had a strange issue recently with OpenCMS occasionally serving up the wrong images. I am hoping someone can tell me how to stop this issue occurring.</p>
<p>What happens is: ocassionally, OpeCMS will for no apparent reason place a completely different image in a page that the one assigned.</p>
<p>Hitting refresh on the browser does not renew the page with the correct image. What does seem to help is publishing the image again.</p>
<p>Unfortunately, we have not found a way to consistently reproduce this problem.</p>
<p>According to OpenCMS we are currently have 654 images with 3082 variations totalling 25MB in size. We use the image resizing feature of OpenCMS quite often.</p>
<p>I believe we are using OpenCMS 7.5.3 with Sun Microsystems OpenJDK Server VM 19.0-b06 mixed mode with Linux (i386).</p>
<p>Any suggestions?</p>
<p>Thank you.</p>
<p>Brett S</p>