Before I want to switch to a new werbserver I wanted to have a clean and good running system. Thatīs why <br>I made a local installation with 8.03 / WAMP / Tomcat / and imported the current database. System keeps running.<br>
Then I made a new installation with 8.04 cause I want to have a clean system.<br>I imported the template two module and I get the following error when I try to use the config from template two:<br><br>org.opencms.xml.CmsXmlException: Invalid custom widget class "org.opencms.frontend.templatetwo.CmsPresetSelectWidget" for element "Preset" in content definition "opencms://system/modules/org.opencms.frontend.templatetwo/schemas/config.xsd".<br>
<br>Does anybody know what I can do to fix this<br><br><br>Thx<br>