Hello,<br>Kindly advice me on how I can download the zip file containing the code for David Powers book PHP solutions of which he put the web address as <a href="http://www.friendsofed.com">www.friendsofed.com</a>.<br>Everytime I tried to go to this site, I was always shown your website homepage and still do not know how toget to the download site<br>
<br>I will really appreciate it if I can get these downloadable codes to aid my understanding PHP<br><br>Regard<br><br>-- <br>Adebayo Olayiwola <br>Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) <br>Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE) <br>
HP Accredited Integration Specialist (AIS) <br>Tel: 234-8023270983,234-8050268443<br>