Hi all :)
I want to create a new OpenCms-Core development with maven integration in Eclipse. I have read the OpenCms documentation in opencms.org, but I don't know how to start with Maven. I have tried to install the latest (9.0.0) 'distribution'(with modules) and 'core' (without modules) version in Tomcat and everything went without any problem.
My questions are:
- I am planning to make a web application (.war is the goal) and deploy the snapshots with versions, is it correct to start with a blank maven project or rather:
* 1) clone <a href="https://github.com/comundus/opencms-basic" target="_top" rel="nofollow" link="external">this</a> opencms-basic repo and make my own maven project with this structure as my basic
* 2) clone <a href="https://github.com/alkacon/opencms-core" target="_top" rel="nofollow" link="external">this</a> opencms-core repo and make my own maven project with with this structure as my basic
* 3) I don't know how to start opencms with maven. I (really) need your suggestions.
- How should I start develop OpenCms as a maven project in IDE (in this case : Eclipse)?
should I clone the opencms-core from Github repositories first ? Or should I start with a new maven project and configure the dependencies manually?
I hope anyone could help me, because I'm really desperate with this and don't know how to start.
Thanks in advance,
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