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I am not sure why , but Bullseye is not showing any more after I
login as Admin to explorer.<br>
Can you please help me to troubleshoot and find the problem.<br>
Attached is the error I am receiving after login.<br>
and Firebugs shows:<br>
<span role="presentation" class="objectBox objectBox-errorMessage
hasBreakSwitch "><span aria-expanded="false" class="errorMessage "><br>
<div role="listitem" class="errorTitle focusRow subLogRow "><span
class="errorMessage ">ReferenceError: tinymce is not defined</span></div>
<span class=" "></span>
<table class=" " cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<tbody class=" ">
<tr class=" ">
<td class=" "><span role="checkbox" aria-checked="false"
title="Break On This Error" class="errorBreak a11yFocus "></span><br>
<td class=" "><a class="errorSource a11yFocus ">
<pre title="if (tinymce['opencms']) return;" class="errorSourceCode ">if (tinymce['opencms']) return;</pre>
function initOpenCmsTinyMCEPlugin() {<br>
if (tinymce['opencms']) return; <br>
<span role="presentation" class="objectBox objectBox-errorMessage
hasBreakSwitch "><span aria-expanded="false" class="errorMessage "></span></span>Where
should I look when it says tinymce is undifined in opencms_plugin.js