[opencms-dev] Installing build from core

Birger Fuehne birger at liquidprotocol.com
Fri Feb 15 02:35:04 CET 2002


I successfully build from core and the latest opencms cvs module. I
ended up with a directory structure like this:



According to the documentation on the website of opencms, after
successful compiling one can follow the installation instructions of the
binary distribution. Reading the binary distribution:

"Copy the opencms.war file to CATALINA_HOME/web-apps/. Note: replace
CATALINA_HOME with the real path to your Tomcat installation."

I cannot find the opencms.war file after building from source.

So I tried to create it by myself:

\build\jar -cf opencms.war opencms

Which produced an opencms.war. After placing it into
\catalina_home\webapps directory, I started up tomcat (mysql etc. is
running as well(and working))
Tomcat extracted the application and now error message is shown in the
tomcat console or log files

According to the installation guide I launched

This produces only a directory listing of that directory. Manually
starting the index.ocjsp brings up a proper screen, noting that the
wizard is disabled - but checking the opencms.properties it is not
Reloading the index.ocjsp brings up the source code of the page..


-Should the build process come up with a opencms.war file?
-Can I create a opencms.war file manually and did I use the right
-How do I get my opencms running? :)


Birger Fuehne

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