[opencms-dev] more greetings ... and the same question ...

cg cg at eworx.gr
Mon Feb 25 15:13:38 CET 2002

Hello OpenCMS List,

Hopefully, someone can advise on a trial OpenCMS installation. My company 
is interested in its possible use, but there are serious time constraints : 
we need to install and demo it as soon as we can ... I am resending an 
appeal for help on the initial installation.


Unfortunately, I am having some difficulty in the system's initial 
installation. Having followed all steps specified on the "Install" page, 
when I reach the point of executing the setup wizard with 
http://localhost:8080/opencms/ocsetup, the wizard appears and, when 
executed in either normal or advanced mode, seems to go into a loop : it 
runs endlessly and never finishes the install ... Needless to say, OpenCMS 
is not in a usable state when I interrupt the process after 30 minutes or so !

I have downloaded OpenCMS version 4.4.6 (assuming that a stable version is 
best for an evaluation and the following are installed on the system :
- Sun jdk v1.3.1_02
- Tomcat v4.01
- MySQL v3.23.40

The OS is Win2K Advanced Server. We are planning to migrate as soon and as 
much of our system as possible to Linux and open source software, but the 
process is progressive and we _do_ have clients with religious preferences.

Aside from the above installation issue, my other preliminary question is 
in reference to how closely OpenCMS is tied into MySQL. Is it a true JDBC 
relationship, where the system is entirely data store agnostic or is MySQL 
required ? If so, can an external data store be used for a user's work and 
pages while MySQL serves for OpenCMS's internal data ?

Thank you very much for the attention. We are looking forward to the 
evaluation and, hopefully, a collaboration ...

Best wishes,

Chris Gianniotis
eWorx  Greece

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