[opencms-dev] pics problem

CALI-GARSIA Bruno bruno.cali-garsia-renexter at renault.com
Tue Mar 26 15:47:29 CET 2002


I'm having trouble to get the images served by opencms 4.4.6 and tomcat 4:
I changed the config so that the tomcat server is running under
http://myserver/mywebsite/ and not http://myserver/opencms/opencms/mywebsite

In published mode, it seems that tomcat is going in a loop when it tries to
serve an image from the folder /pics.

in the <tomcat-home>/conf/server.xml, I changed the following lines (thanks
Stephan, you're the man :o)):
          <Context path="" docBase="ROOT" debug="0"/>

          <Context path="" docBase="opencms" debug="0"/>

in <tomcat-home>/webapps/opencms/WEB-INF/web.xml added this




did anyone faced this pb before ?

Else, with mod_jk installed, should I synchronize the pics in a directory
served directly by apache to have my images served efficiently ? Am I
missing something with the pics folder ?


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