[opencms-dev] manifest.xml generation

Dan Moore Dan.Moore at xor.com
Tue Apr 30 00:50:38 CEST 2002

Hi folks,

Browsing throught the opencms archive, I came upon this message:


which has a perl script which generates a manifest.xml for modules to
easily import things from the filesystem.  Thanks to Jeroen for putting
this together.

Since I like versioning things on the filesystem (I understand CVS, I don't
yet understand how to successfully version things in a database) I really
liked this script.  It seemed a bit outdated, so I cleaned it up, made it
work with 4.6.0, parameterized some options, etc.

It's still very much a work in progress, but I've attached it in the
hopes that it will be useful to someone.

The usage is much the same:
manifestgen -m modulename -d dir1,dir2 [-u user] [-g group] [-a access] [-o outfile] 

you can specify the directory where your module starts and it tries to
delete that prefix.

For example, if you are in 
and your module starts in 
you'd use this command line:
manifestgen -m module1 -d .../foo/bar/baz/module1

-------------- next part --------------
    eval 'exec /usr/local/bin/perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
        if $running_under_some_shell;

require "find.pl";
use Getopt::Long;

my ($user, $group, $access, $modname, $headerfile,$outfile, @dirs);
GetOptions('user=s' => \$user, 'group=s' => \$group,'access=i' =>
\$access,'module=s' => \$modname, 'outfile=s'=>\$outfile, 'dirs=s'

@dirs = split(/,/,join(',', at dirs));

# XXX add in header file reading in, for totally customized headers
# XXX add in project switch
# XXX add author switch
# XXX have dates be correct

&usage unless ($modname && @dirs);

# sane defaults
$user = $user || "Admin";
$group= $group || "Administrators";
$access=$access || 383;
$outfile=$outfile || "STDOUT";
$valueweirdness = "${modname}_1";

open (OUT, ">$outfile") or die "could not open $outfile: $!";

print OUT <<"ENDOFXML";
<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?>
<!-- Creator: $0 @dirs -->
<!-- Createdate: $^T -->
        <opencms_version>4.6.0 Tleilax</opencms_version>
        <createdate>25.04.2002 08:17</createdate>
        <nicename>Test module</nicename>

# Traverse desired filesystems
while ($dirname = shift @dirs) {

print OUT "\t</files>\n";
print OUT "</export>\n";


sub properties {
    my $type = shift;
my $properties  = "\t\t\t<properties>
return $properties;

sub wanted {
        if ( $name ne "." ) {
            $name =~ s/$dirname//;
            $tempdir = $dirname;
            $tempdir =~ s!/$!!;
            if ($name eq $tempdir) {return;}
            $name =~ s/^\.//;
            $name =~ s/^\///g;
            next unless ($name);
                if (-d $_ ) {
                        print OUT "\t\t<file>\n";
                        print OUT "\t\t\t<destination>$name</destination>\n";
                        print OUT "\t\t\t<type>folder</type>\n";
                        print OUT "\t\t\t<user>$user</user>\n";
                        print OUT "\t\t\t<group>$group</group>\n";
                        print OUT "\t\t\t<access>$access</access>\n";
                        print OUT &properties($typenum);
                        print OUT "\t\t</file>\n";
                } elsif (-f $_ ) {
                        $filetype = `file $_`;
                        if ($filetype =~ /XML/) {
                                $typenum =4;
                        } elsif ($filetype =~ /Java class/) {
                                $typenum =5;
                        } elsif (/\.(gif|jpg|png)$/i) {
                                $typenum =6;
                        } else {
                                $typenum = 3;
                        print OUT "\t\t<file>\n";
                        print OUT "\t\t\t<source>$name</source>\n";
                        print OUT "\t\t\t<destination>$name</destination>\n";
                        print OUT "\t\t\t<type>$type</type>\n";
                        print OUT "\t\t\t<user>$user</user>\n";
                        print OUT "\t\t\t<group>$group</group>\n";
                        print OUT "\t\t\t<access>$access</access>\n";
                        print OUT &properties($typenum);
                        print OUT "\t\t</file>\n";

sub usage{
print STDERR <<"EOF";
    Usage: $0 -m modulename -d dir1,dir2 [-u user] [-g group] [-a access] [-o outfile] 

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