[opencms-dev] Problems with htdig after migration of opencms 4.4.6 to 4.6.1

"Bührle, Martin, FCI1" martin.buehrle at lfk.eads.net
Fri May 24 12:20:20 CEST 2002

Hi everybody,

we had the htdig-integration of opencms running with htdig 3.1.5.
Everything was o.k..
Now we try to migrate the hole website from opencms 4.4.6 to opencms 4.6.1
for different reasons.
htdig is not running anymore (no search-results).

When I try the module-demo under
dex.html" I get the following result:
Demosite of integration a searchengine
in OpenCms
[search] ??? [CmsException]: 22 Could not process OpenCms special XML tag.
Detailed Error: processNode received an exception while handling XML tag
"select" by "handleSelectTag" for file searchengineForm:


The only thing we did is to rename the opencms.war to private.war because we
need two diff. installations.

Does anybody know what to do?



Martin Buehrle, FCI1
EADS - European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company
Postfach 1661
Telefax: +49 89 3179-8927
eMail: Martin.Buehrle at lfk.eads.net

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