[opencms-dev] Newbie question on the pdf documentation

ThomasGick at web.de ThomasGick at web.de
Wed Jul 24 22:31:25 CEST 2002

rmec> Hi,

rmec> I'm just getting into OpenCMS and have a question to the documentation
rmec> in pdf. On Page 58 it says that by using the <stylesheet> - tag the
rmec> WYSIWYG Editor can use them as well. As much as I can guess from the
rmec> online documentation there are a fixed set of styles. What does that
rmec> line mean then?
rmec> Anyways it would be great if one could reduce the users ability in the
rmec> choice of styles he uses. One might not want somebody to be able to use
rmec> the Times New Roman Font on pages with Arial....

rmec> Eduard Ralph

Hi Ralph,

You can edit the page /system/workplace/templates/edit_html_main in
which there are 3 lines for showing the listboxes for text decoration.

Headings, Fonts and Fontsizes. If you delete the line with Fonts,
the user is not able to change the font, because the html listbox is
not show anymore. But if you want to change the list of Fonts i cannot help you.

I had the same problem today. There is a .java file named
I_CmsWpConstants ( or like that) in which is defined, what Fonts will
be shown.
I want to change the first listbox and want to bring own styles
instead of h1-h6 in it. My Problem is, that i donŽt know, where the
conversation from the listbox text (Überschrift1,Überschrift2,..)
and the further H1,H2,H3,H4,H5,H6,P Tags ist made.

I think the ledit makes this.....

But if you know more, write me...

But know to your real question.
If you use the <stylesheet>css/main.css</stylesheet> Tag in your
template, and your main.css is in the directoy /css and you have
redefined h1 with font arial and color green you see the font arial
and the color green already during editing your pages (whitch use
this template) in the html editor.

but as i said. you can refine P,H1,H2,H3,H4,H5,H6 but i donŽt know
to bring own styles in the listbox.

i hope i could help you,

Best Regards,

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