[opencms-dev] htdig and German "Umlaute"

"Bührle, Martin, FCI1" martin.buehrle at lfk.eads.net
Fri Aug 2 11:26:35 CEST 2002

Hi List!

We have a problem with opencms and htdig-integration. 

Everything works well, but when we are using german "Umlaute" (ä, ü, ...) in
a search-request and have several result-pages we cannot change from page 1
to page 2. 
I.e. there are 100 results, 10 per page: 
We see the first 10 results with the search-request without any problems;
trying to click to page "2" we get the message that noting is found.

I  set the option "locale: de_DE"  in the htdig.conf-file already, so htdig
3.1.5 can work with special german characters.

When the problem appears and we use the Tomcat-Port 8080 directly instead of
port 80, everything goes well and we get the page2 etc. search-results.

In the apache-log-file we can see these lines:

1) first request for htdig, german "Umlaute" are encoded or transerred to
htdig via POST-method (depending on the opencms-template-settings)

2) try to reach the second result-page via GET -statement, german "Umlaute"
are not encoded any more. This seems to be the problem!
example: - - [02/Aug/2002:11:22:28 +0200] "GET
long&sort=score&words=Prüfung&page=2 HTTP/1.1" 200 5794

Does anybody have some hints where to search for the problem? How to change?

We are using OpenCMS 4.6.1, Tomcat 4.0.1 and Apache 1.3.20-29 with the
mod_webapp-connector and have the htdig-OpenCMS-integration running on a
Suse Linux 7.3 prof.-server, using htdig-version 3.1.5-278.

Best regards MARTIN

Martin Buehrle
eMail: Martin.Buehrle at lfk.eads.net

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