[opencms-dev] multilanguage pages with different textbodies

Marian Kasala marian.kasala at apsoft.sk
Wed Sep 11 10:18:46 CEST 2002

Hello Thomas,

create your own class and use it as controlling class for your
multilanguage bodies then redefine body element something like this:

]]><ELEMENT name="langbody"/><![CDATA[

<ELEMENTDEF name="langbody">

Controling class might look like:

public byte[] getContent(CmsObject cms, String templateFile,
    String elementName,Hashtable parameters,
    String templateSelector)throws CmsException {

    templateSelector =  getCurrentLanguage() + "_BODY";

  return startProcessing(cms,templateDocument, elementName, parameters,

This way you can set template selector for appropriate language.

> does anyone of you has ever customized opencms in
> such a way, that you edit every page in multiple
> languages over different textbodies.
> For Examples 4 textbodies named:
> DE_HEAD ( every page has in every language 2 bodies. One for the headline
and one for the content)
> If so, how do you deliefer the pages in the prefered language.
> I would have a language selector (listbox) on my navigation frame.
> I would be delighted if you could help me.
> Thomas

Best Regards,
   Marian Kasala

AP Soft GmbH
Zabinská 22
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