[opencms-dev] Do you want to use directory translation?

Thomas Maerz thomasmaerz at gmx.de
Fri Dec 6 11:25:29 CET 2002


I hope these charset problems don't get annoying to you.

My system properties:
Windows:   JSDK 1.4.0_02_b02
           Tomcat 4.12
           OpenCms 5.0 beta 2
           Internet Explorer 6.0

Linux:     mysql 3.23.49

Testing scenarios:

CATALINA_OPTS           | directory translation    | result
  unset                 |   yes                    |   working
  unset                 |   no                     |   not working
                        |                          |
  -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 |   yes                    |   working
  -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 |   yes                    |   not working

The results that didn't work displayed no folders and files in the
explorer-windows, but I got a JavaScript error message.

I didn't compare the database entries of the different scenarios.

By the way, was anybody already successful in using IE 5.0 with Beta 2?

What effects has the setting of the encoding in the xml-definition?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="uft-8"?>
As much as I did experience it's no good to use two or more encodings,
e. g. iso-8859-1, at least Lucene is no fun at all.

Maybe somebody has or had the same problems and can help me somehow?


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