[opencms-dev] General Questions (i.e. SOAP, Performance)

ambiesense at gmx.de ambiesense at gmx.de
Wed Jan 15 18:27:47 CET 2003


I am investigating OpenCMS as a possible Content Management Plattform.
Therefore I have a number of questions about it. I would be very delighted if
somebody can answer one or more of these questions.

1. Is there support for SOAP in OpenCMS, i.e. can I have a SOAP interface to
communicate with external content providers. How does this look like. I am
looking for information/documentation or running examples for this.

2. Did somebody had a look to OpenCMS performance. I am sure limitations are
rather made by Tomcat since it is running in Tomcat. Anyway did somebody
made performance tests with opencms and its related components like MySQL and
Tomcat. Does somebody know about test which compare other CMS's with OpenCMS
withing this issue.

3. Like before, does somebody did or know about reliablity tests of OpenCMS
(also maybe between different CMS's) ?

4. Who knows about examples, where OpenCMS got used to solve real life
problems. For example companies using OpenCMS or Information Providers using it as
a publishing system for their webpage.

Any information would be highly appreaciated.


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