[opencms-dev] Search engine Lucene returns nothing

Zixiong WANG z.wang at sysium.com
Mon Jan 20 15:19:52 CET 2003


I'v installed OpenCMS 4.6.1 for working with Lucene.

I'v import the searchform 14 and search.lucene modules without any problem,
I can run the "Create index" icon in the Administration interface.

But how do you do the search ?

I'v tried the index.html page in both
modulesdemos/com.opencms.modules.search.lucene and
modulesdemos/com.opencms.modules.search.form, I'v also created a new page
with the "Empty searchform template".

In either cases, I get a search form page, but when I tape in some words
which are in my web pages, I get always nothing.

I'v published all my pages, export of static pages is ON. (I'v read that
Lucene indexes static exported pages).

Any ideas ?

Thanks in advance.

z.wang at sysium.com

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