[opencms-dev] weblogic 6.1/oracle and opencms

mfoley5 at csc.com.au mfoley5 at csc.com.au
Thu Mar 6 09:21:25 CET 2003

Hi Ravi,

We do this:

To install OpenCms on WebLogic 6.1 SP2 / Oracle 8.1.7:

1. Expand/unjar the opencms.war file into the applications directory of
your WebLogic domain.
2. Modify the classpath in startWebLogic.sh similar to the this version
from my domain, ensuring the relative positions of the jar files.  Make
sure you have included classes12.zip in your classpath (this is the Oracle
JDBC driver).
3. Configure OpenCms as a web application in the WebLogic console - e.g.
named "opencms"
4. Start the OpenCms setup wizard by pointing your browser to
5. Specify the "genericsql" database driver and a username/password for the
tables which will be created, as well as the connection string for the
(The connection string for tha database should be jdbc:oracle:thin:
@server:port:dbname (where server is your Database server, port is the
database port, and dbname is the name of your OpenCms database)   I suggest
a username which will not conflict with any others.)
6. Follow the wizard through the steps - accept the default settings as you
go, say "yes" to importing the workplace (this takes a while, perhaps 10
7. When the wizard is finished, you can start the OpenCms workplace by
going to
http://server:port/opencms/opencms/system/workplace/action/login.html and
logging in as Admin with password admin (case is important).

(Note - we could never get the Oracle Oci driver to work on our system, but
there is a bug or a feature in Oracle's implementation of setBytes() which
restricts it to 2000 bytes.  This has been fixed in OpenCms 5.)


Mark Foley
212 Northbourne Ave, Braddon, ACT 2612
Ph: +61-2-62468487    Email: mfoley5 at csc.com.au

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                      Ravi Periasamy                                                                                                        
                      <ravitx12 at yahoo.com>          To:       opencms-dev at opencms.com                                                       
                      Sent by:                      cc:                                                                                     
                      owner-opencms-dev at www.        Subject:  [opencms-dev] weblogic 6.1/oracle and opencms                                 
                      06/03/2003 04:43 PM                                                                                                   
                      Please respond to                                                                                                     


Could anyone kindly post/re-post the instructions for
installing opencms 4.6.1 on weblogic 6.1 with oracle?

We successfully installed opencms 4.6.1 on
tomcat/mysql, tomcat/oracle but not weblogic


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