AW: [opencms-dev] Update class again

Alex V Londkevich lond at
Thu Mar 13 17:50:59 CET 2003

Hello Hendrik,

hpid> As far as I understand it, OpenCMS uses its own class loader to load classes
hpid> for modules. This loader doesn't support dynamic reloading. You could try
hpid> putting your classes in the VFS, perhaps they will reload then. Changing
hpid> TomCat's settings won't do much since its class loader isn't used.
hpid> If I'm mistaken, please correct me.

Where I must puttting classes in the VFS в 5.0 (not in 4 - there all
I put them /system/modules/myModule/classes, but have error:

<opencms_critical> com.opencms.core.CmsException: 29 OpenCms class loader error.
Detailed error: Could not load template classmyClass
root cause was java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: myClass

Best regards,
 Alex                            mailto:lond at

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