[opencms-dev] MySQL connection error

Rafael Castelblanque Soriano racasso at eui.upv.es
Tue Apr 8 01:06:00 CEST 2003

Hello, i'm trying to install OpenCMS with Tomcat/MySQL, but in the 3rd screen i
get this message:

Could no connect to database via: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/
java.sql.SQLException: Server configuration denies access to data source


I think it means that te user/password is not correct, because if i start mysqld
daemon with --skip-grant-tables option, it creates ok the database and tables,
but hangs-up during workplace import process.

I've tried to create a "tomcat" linux user owning all files of tomcat and opencms.
I've tried to leave blank password in the 2nd screen, and i've tried also to
create all kind of users inside mysql, ...but nothing.

Could anyone help me?


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