[opencms-dev] MySQL connection error

Thomas März thomasmaerz at gmx.de
Tue Apr 8 01:59:01 CEST 2003


> get this message:
> Could no connect to database via: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/
> java.sql.SQLException: Server configuration denies access to data source
> -------------------------------------------
> java.lang.NullPointerException
> I think it means that te user/password is not correct, because if i
> start mysqld

Well, not necessarily, is your Tomcat on the same machins as mysql?
Did you configure the privileges for the mysql user correctly?

,----[ MySQL Documentation ]
| 4.2.11 Causes of Access denied Errors
| If you encounter Access denied errors when you try to connect to the
| MySQL server, the following list indicates some courses of action you
| can take to correct the problem:  ...
| http://www.mysql.com/doc/en/Access_denied.html

> daemon with --skip-grant-tables option, it creates ok the database and tables,
> but hangs-up during workplace import process.

Which browser are you using? If you don't use IE, then wait a
reasonable time (well, five minutes) and then try
http://localhost:8080/opencms/opencms/system/login/ .

> I've tried to create a "tomcat" linux user owning all files of tomcat and opencms.
> I've tried to leave blank password in the 2nd screen, and i've tried also to
> create all kind of users inside mysql, ...but nothing.

Been there.

Best Regards,
Thomas März

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