[opencms-dev] Re: how many MySQL connections does the import phase of the install

kylekc kylekc at comcast.net
Tue Jun 3 06:33:00 CEST 2003

Thomas März wrote:

> ,----[ opencms.properties ]
> | # Parameters for the mySQL connection-pool
> | pool.mysql.driver=org.gjt.mm.mysql.Driver
> | pool.mysql.url=jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/opencms
> | pool.mysql.user=
> | pool.mysql.password=
> | pool.mysql.minConn=10
> | pool.mysql.maxConn=20
> | pool.mysql.increaseRate=5
> | pool.mysql.timeout=120
> | pool.mysql.maxage=360
> `----
> Change the values and try to install again. I hope this helps.

Thanks! It did. I changed each of the three pools (mysql, mysqlbackup,
mysqlonline) to start at 3, increase by 1, max out at 5. With those
settings, in my 15-connection-limited ISP account, the install ran great,
and I'm in business now. The third ISP, and your help, got me there.

Thomas, thank you for your help.

Kyle Clarke
kylekc at comcast.net

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