[opencms-dev] Problem with scriptlets

Alexander Langer al at al-arenal.de
Wed Jul 9 18:54:01 CEST 2003

Nope.. had the <%! %> around my code and just forgot to paste it into
my mail.

> Try this...

> -----
> <%@ taglib prefix="cms" uri="http://www.opencms.org/taglib/cms" %>
> <jsp:useBean id="cms" class="com.opencms.flex.jsp.CmsJspActionElement" />

> <%
> private String Punkt() {
>   com.opencms.flex.jsp.CmsJspActionElement cms = new CmsJspActionElement(pageContext, request, response);
>   String title = cms.property("Title");

>   return title;
> }
> -----

> Alexander Langer wrote:

>>I'm still new to JSP and got a problem. My JSP looks something like
>><%@ taglib prefix="cms" uri="http://www.opencms.org/taglib/cms" %>
>><jsp:useBean id="cms" class="com.opencms.flex.jsp.CmsJspActionElement" />
>>private String Punkt() {
>>  com.opencms.flex.jsp.CmsJspActionElement cms = new CmsJspActionElement(pageContext, request, response);
>>  String title = cms.property("Title");
>>  return title;
>>It gets include by a template to do some stuff. Problem is, I get this
>>Generated servlet error:
>>    [javac] Since fork is true, ignoring compiler setting.
>>    [javac] Compiling 1 source file
>>    [javac] Since fork is true, ignoring compiler setting.
>>    [javac] /opt/tomcat/work/Standalone/localhost/opencms/WEB-INF/jsp/online/system/modules/org.leaderspoint.site/jsptemplates/test_jsp_jsp.java:72: cannot resolve symbol
>>    [javac] symbol  : class CmsJspActionElement 
>>    [javac] location: class org.apache.jsp.test_jsp_jsp
>>    [javac]   com.opencms.flex.jsp.CmsJspActionElement cms = new CmsJspActionElement(pageContext, request, response); 
>>    [javac]   
>>I just used the code from the documentation, so didn't expect any
>>problems here.

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Alexander Langer
homepage: http://www.al-arenal.de
mailto: langer at al-arenal.de

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