[opencms-dev] problem with static export

Raghu V. N Raghu_VN at infosys.com
Mon Oct 13 14:33:02 CEST 2003

   I am new to Opencms and facing some issues with static export.
Can somebody please help with this?

1) I am unable to export projects:
Publishing project ...
No static export required
Checking filesystem links ...
.. filesystem link check finished
... the project has been published
Should it be enabled somewhere?
2)  When I publish the resources directly, the resource is not found in the 
folder mentioned in the static export path.
Publishing resource ...
Publishing /release/installation.html
Publishing /system/bodies/release/installation.html
Static export, number of starting links is: 2
Skipping /release/installation.html
Skipping /system/bodies/release/installation.html
... static export finished
Checking filesystem links ...
.. filesystem link check finished
... the resource has been published
3) The static export icon in the administration appears grey.
    How can I enable it?
4) Also can I specify absolute path such as C:\export?
It does not seem to work for me.
opencms.properties file
# Parameters for static export
# if static export is disabled nothing is exported and the rules are not used.
# For the handeling of the link tags one standard rule is generated with the
# url_prefix_http value. So you can still configure the servletpath.
# the static export is controlled by the resource property export. It has 6 possible
# values: true, false, dynamic, https, https_enabled and dynamic_https_enabled.
# With the property staticexport.default.export you can decide whitch value is used if
# a resource and all parentfolders don't have the the property export set.
# If your site shoud be exported except a few resources you set the default to true
# and add the export=dynamic property to the folder where the dynamic pages are. If
# your site is mostly dynamic you set the default to dynamic and add the export= true
# property to the pics and the download folder.
# Only the values 'true' and 'dynamic' are allowed.
# the path where to save the exported pages. This path may be relative or absolute.
# Prefix variables. The export prefix defines where to find the static reources.
# The http prefix defines the way to the dynamic resources in OpenCms. The https and
# the servername are used only for ssl. (If you use ssl you have to set the values like:
# https://server.de/${WEB_APP_NAME}/opencms for the https prefix and http://server.de
# for the servername)
# The String ${WEB_APP_NAME} will be replaced by the name of
# the webapplication. These variables can also be used in the rulesets.
# the name of the ruleset used to replace links while exporting, in the online project,
# in the offlineproject and for the name in the extern file system. There are two sets
# of rules. Depending of the staticexport.default.export parameter the linkrules.true or
# the linkrules.dynamic are used.
# the start rule used for extern and export (not for online and offline).
# (the rules are regular expressions in perl5 standard)
# The start rule feature is removed. Instead there is a new feature: While exporting
# if after the dynamic rueles nothing has changed the parameters of the link will be
# decoded in the name. so "/index.html?newsid=27&size=100" is replaced by "/index_402.html"
# where 402 is the id of the link in the database. Further rules (after the dynamic ones)
# will be processed with the new link.

# The rulesets for linkreplacement as comma seperated lists
# You can use the ${WEB_APP_NAME} variable for the webapplication name and the
# four prefix variables defined above (${url_prefix_export}, ${url_prefix_http},...).
# They will be replaced befor using the regular expression.
# In addition to this it is possible to define the place where the dynamic
# generated rules should be used instead of a rule use the expression
# *dynamicRules* (including the *'s). OpenCms replaces this with the dynamic
# generated rules.
# There are two types of dynamic rules. The first one is generated with the
# resourceproperty "exportname". For each resouce with this property a rule
# will be generated that replaces the absolute path of this resource with the
# value of the property. It is principally used to get nice short foldernames
# on the disc.
# The second kind of dynamic rules are generated with the property "export".
# The possible values are explained below.
# Possible values for the "export" property are:
# export=true
#   The marked resource is exported.
#   For the online project, all links that point to this resource are
#   build according to the "linkrules.true.extern" (see above) ruleset.
#   All links found on the marked resource that have been
#   marked with the <link/> tag are followed and also checked for export.
#   Example:
#      VFS =/index.html
#      RFS =${webapp_path}/opencms/export/index.html
#      Link=<a href="${url_prefix_export}/index.html"/>
# export=false
#   The marked resource is not exported.
#   For the online project, all links that point to this resource are
#   build according to the "linkrules.true.online" (see above) ruleset.
#   Links on the marked resource that are marked with the <link/> tag are
#   NOT followed and therefore not exported.
#   Example:
#      VFS =/index.html
#      RFS =(none)
#      Link=<a href="${url_prefix_http}/index.html"/>
# export=dynamic
#   The marked resource is not exported.
#   For the online project, all links that point to this resource are
#   build according to the "linkrules.dynamic.online" (see above) ruleset.
#   All links found on the marked resource that have been
#   marked with the <link/> tag are followed and also checked for export.
#   Example:
#      VFS =/index.html
#      RFS =(none)
#      Link=<a href="${url_prefix_http}/index.html"/>
# Static exort and https:
#   If you intent to use https settings with the export,
#   you must extend the ${url_prefix_http} to include the http protocol,
#   and also set the ${url_prefix_https} and the ${url_prefix_servername}.
#   In this case, all links will be absolute links that contain server name
#   and protocol (but see also the resource setting "export=https_enabled"
#   explained below).
# export=https
#   The marked resource is not exported, but treated as a https resource.
#   For the online project, all links that point to this resource are
#   build according to the "linkrules.true.online" (see above) ruleset,
#   using the "url_prefix_https" Prefix.
#   All access to this resource that is NOT using the https protocol
#   is forbidden!
#   All links found on the marked resource that have been
#   marked with the <link/> tag are followed and also checked for export.
#   Example:
#      VFS =/index.html
#      RFS =(none)
#      Link=<a href="${url_prefix_https}/index.html"/>
# export=https_enabled
#   The marked resource is not exported.
#   For the online project, all links that point to this resource are
#   build according to the "linkrules.true.extern" (see above) ruleset.
#   No protocol will be used for the link, so that a browser that
#   was in https mode will be staying in https, while a http request
#   will stay in http mode.
#   Use this parameter esp. for images to prevent the dreaded webbrowser warning
#   that tells you something like "The page you are about
#   to view uses secure and unsecure data".
#   All links found on the marked resource that have been
#   marked with the <link/> tag are followed and also checked for export.
#   Example:
#      VFS =/index.html
#      RFS =(none)
#      Link=<a href="/${web_app_name}/${opencms_servlet_name}/index.html"/>
# export=dynamic_https_enabled
#   The marked resource is not exported, but treated as a https resource.
#   This is like "export=dynamic" with the addition that the resource
#   will only be delivered if the request is a https request,
#   Example:
#      VFS =/index.html
#      RFS =(none)
#      Link=<a href="${url_prefix_https}/index.html"/>
# The dynamic rules are only for export, online and extern rules. Don't use them in
# the offlineruleset.
# The parameterreplacement is done in the dynamic rules. So it works together with
# the exportname rule. If you have a rule befor the dynamic rules that is triggered
# the parameterreplacement will not happen.
ruleset.exportrules=*dynamicRules*, \ 
ruleset.dynamic_exportrules=*dynamicRules*, \ 
s#(.*\.gif$)#${url_prefix_export}$1#, \ 
s#(.*\.jpg$)#${url_prefix_export}$1#, \ 
s#(.*\.pdf$)#${url_prefix_export}$1#, \ 
s#(.*\.css$)#${url_prefix_export}$1#, \ 
s#(.*\.doc$)#${url_prefix_export}$1#, \ 
s#(.*\.exe$)#${url_prefix_export}$1#, \ 
s#(.*\.xls$)#${url_prefix_export}$1#, \ 
s#(.*\.js$)#${url_prefix_export}$1#, \ 
s#(.*\.zip$)#${url_prefix_export}$1#, \ 
s#(.*\.jpeg$)#${url_prefix_export}$1#, \ 
s#(.*\.txt$)#${url_prefix_export}$1#, \ 
ruleset.dynamic_externrules=*dynamicRules*, \ 
s#(.*\.gif$)#$1#, \ 
s#(.*\.jpg$)#$1#, \ 
s#(.*\.pdf$)#$1#, \ 
s#(.*\.css$)#$1#, \ 
s#(.*\.doc$)#$1#, \ 
s#(.*\.exe$)#$1#, \ 
s#(.*\.xls$)#$1#, \ 
s#(.*\.js$)#$1#, \ 
s#(.*\.zip$)#$1#, \ 
s#(.*\.jpeg$)#$1#, \ 
s#(.*\.txt$)#$1#, \ 
# When set to true the links in the static export that refer to pages in the static export
# will be relative instead of absolute. Enable this feature only if you use the standard
# ruleset.
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