[opencms-dev] Creating CmsResources from JSP

Matthew Evans matte at solidstategroup.com
Mon Oct 20 17:53:01 CEST 2003

I'd like to create an image resource from jsp, but I am having problems. 
This is what I have so far... 


int lines = 0; 
while (i.hasNext()) { 
CmsFile f = (CmsFile)i.next(); 

String inputImage = f.getAbsolutePath(); 
//debug code, uncomment to print out the input filename 
out.println("Read:" + inputImage + "<br>"); 

File inputFile= new File(f.getAbsolutePath()); 
String inputPath = inputImage.substring(0,inputImage.lastIndexOf("/")); 
String fileNameWE = f.getName().substring(0,f.getName().lastIndexOf(".")); 
String outputPath = inputPath + "/thumbnails/"; 
String outputFile = outputPath + fileNameWE + ".jpg"; 

//debug code, uncomment to print out the input filename 
out.println("Write:" + outputFile + "<br>"); 

//create the output file 
CmsResource outputFileName = cmso.createResource(outputPath,fileNameWE +
".jpg", "image"); 



but I'm not sure how to write the contents of the file, or how to check if
the file already exists. 

Any help appreciated. 


M at . 

Matthew Evans
tel. +44 (0) 20 77402133
Mob. +44(0)7958 379562

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