[opencms-dev] Problem with news module with scheduling, date applet and WYSIWYG editor version 2.0 (for OpenCMS 5)

Salvador Santander dominion.salvador.ext at juntadeandalucia.es
Thu Nov 6 13:22:00 CET 2003

I'm developing on OpenCMS 5.0, with tomcat 4 and mysql 4.I've installed the
module  with scheduling, date applet and WYSIWYG editor version 2.0 (for
OpenCMS 5) following all the instructions and the module installs well, but
in the administration panel, labels doesn't appears correctly, for example,
under the icons of administration panels appears things like "???
com_opencms_modules_homepage_news_NewsChannelBackoffice.icon.news ???" and
when a click on the icon of news, in the next screen the labels of id,
date... doesn't appears, instead of them appears things like "???
com_opencms_modules_homepage_news_NewsChannelBackoffice.label.id ???" . I
think that opencms doesn't see the workplace.propierties file. How can I
solve this? Thanks.

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