[opencms-dev] where to store some data?

tol opencms at recordcaster.de
Wed Dec 17 11:43:01 CET 2003

Hi opencms-community!

Here 's one of these bother newbies ;-) Hoping for good and usefull 
hints and in hope for stoping finally my endless search for a good CMS 
I'd like to pester you with some questions ;-) hmm ... and sorry for my 
poor, poor english :-?

I read the interactive documentation about JSP, Scriptlets, Modules, 
Templates and had a special look at the javadoc CmsJspActionElement,
CmsJspNavBuilder and CmsJspNavElement. It sound all very well :-)

My question:
I need some own little applications - if I understand all right then in 
opencms they're called module - for example a simple newslettersystem. 
This "application"  has to store some data (emailadresses, names or what 
ever). Where to store this data is the best? In a separate database with 
own tables or in the special opencms filesystem: vsf, vfs, ...? ... 
don't know at this moment the right shortname :-?

I would be very happy about any kind of feedback

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