[opencms-dev] Problems with workplace/authentication because uf url rewriting

Thorsten Busse eiablage at thorsten-busse.de
Tue Jan 20 22:40:02 CET 2004

Hi all,

I have set up opencms together with apache2 to get rid of the long
/opencms/opencms/... url. Everythings works fine except the workplace.

It seems that the opencms authentification mechanism gets confused by the
use of the short url. Therefore regular users cannot edit pages in
projects they are assigned to. Also the browser (IE) asks twice for the
users credentials: First opens the regular login dialog of opencms and
after that the IE standard dialog for user authetification pops up.

My setup is as follows:

apache2.0.48 + mod_jk1.2

in opencms.properties I have the following lines to adjust the links
generated from opencms:


and the corresponding section in my httpd.conf looks like this:

<IfModule mod_jk.c>
  JkWorkersFile "/etc/tomcat/jk/workers.properties"
  JkLogFile "logs/mod_jk.log"
  JkLogLevel debug

  JkMount /opencms/* ajp13

  RewriteEngine On
  RewriteLog logs/rewrite.log
  RewriteLogLevel 1

  RewriteRule ^/opencms/opencms/(.*)$ /$1
  RewriteRule ^/export/(.*)$ /opencms/export/$1 [PT]
  RewriteRule ^/(.*)$  /opencms/opencms/$1 [PT]

The first RewriteRule Line is neccessary to get the workplace to work
(without this line the main body of the workplace won't be loaded).

Can anybody give me a hint how this issues might be resolved?

Many thanks,

- Thorsten

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