[opencms-dev] Writing a simple MasterModule

tol opencms at recordcaster.de
Sat Jan 24 17:53:02 CET 2004

Hi @all!

Now I craweld a bit more through (or depper in) the opencms-source. And 
I found a new part counfusing me:

in the doc was written about the filter lines:

filter_all : \
    select ${colum_names_master} \
    where sub_id = ? \
    order by title;

"stored in a property file query.properties which is located in the 
folder of the CmsDbAccess class"

I searched for it, but I can't find the file!!?? Neither in the 
.master.genercisql nor .file.genericsql nor in the .file.mysql class ...

Äääh .. ok! The property file is still there, but no entry "filter_all"!

Slowly but surely I guess I've to create it by my self! But what, where 
and how?? And whats about the CmsDbAccess class? Created manualy too or 
using one of the existing classes? But wich one? What is right and what 
is wrong? ... questions, questions and questions ;)

best wishes
independent internet radio berlin

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