[opencms-dev] Why OpenCms substitute the names of html pages as 'name_xxx.jsp' in static export?

Salvador Santander Gutierrez salvador.santander.ext at juntadeandalucia.es
Wed Feb 4 14:12:01 CET 2004

We're using jsp templates with OpenCms 5.0RC2 with Oracle 9i and when we
make an static export the pages of the first level are well done but the
links to other pages are bad.

We put cms.link( ) method in all the links we want to export.

If a link to other page is 'details.html?id=12' OpenCms substitute it by
'detailsTemplate_525.jsp' and doesn´t generate this jsp file in the
directory of export, so online version of our intranet don´t work.

How can solve this problem? or why it happens?

I also think that OpenCms should substitute 'details.html?id=12' by
'details_525.html' and generate this html file, is this correct?

I need your help!!!


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