[opencms-dev] Problems installing 5.3.3

Olaf Perlick olaf at perlicks.de
Sun Feb 15 14:13:01 CET 2004

Hello CMS community!

I have downloaded and compiled version 5.3.3. from the repositiory 
without any problems. I have unpacked the opencms.war from the zip - 
directory of the distribution to the tomcat webapps directory. No matter 
how Tomcat deploys the file, after starting /opencms/setup/index.jsp, I 
get the following error - message:

Error starting OpenCms setup wizzard.

It appears that your servlet container did not unpck the OpenCmsWAR 
file. (Yes, he did!!!)
OpenCMS requires that it's WAR file is unpacked.

The contents of the OpenCms directory under Webapps are:

/META-INF (directory)
/WEB-INF (directory)
/setup (directory)

I really would appreciate every help, because I have to evaluate the 
usefullness of OpenCms for our companies purposes!

Thanx in advance, Olaf

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