[opencms-dev] lucene 1.5 update

Schulz, Rainer Rainer.Schulz at bonprix.net
Wed Feb 25 13:22:01 CET 2004

Hi List, 

i have a problem with the 1.5 version of lucene. My first version of lucene
was the version 1.4 without the classes for PDF and Doc Documents. Now i
updated the version like mentioned in the manual. My Promblem is, the
indexer does not found the WordDocument.class. I have putted the jar's in my
opencms and tomcat lib diretcory (and i removed the old 1.2 jar). Nothing
happend. When i look in the system/modules/....lucene directory of opencms
workspace, then there are all classes. But in tomcate, under
wepapps/opencms/Web-inf/classes/net......../search/    are still the old
classes of lucene, without the WordDocument.class. 

Should i put the missing classes in this directory per hand ? I thougth ,
that the import of the version 1.5 should do this for you, because nothing
was mentioned in the manual. 

my part for WordDocuments in the registry:

 <docFactory enabled="true" type="binary">
                    <fileType name="doctext">

I use:
tomcate 4.1.12
win nt (don't laugh....my company......)

please help

Rainer Schulz

ps: sorry for my bad english 

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