[opencms-dev] Where to put .html and .jsp files?

Thomas Gagné tgagne at wideopenwest.com
Tue Mar 23 13:57:02 CET 2004

It's hard to tell (for me) what the best practices are for OpenCMS 

If the root directory is /tgagne/ and the module is 
/system/modules/gagne.tgagne/, I understand how master and jsp templates 
must live in the module, but what about other JSPs?  What kinds of links 
will <cms:link/> create if /tgagne/main.jsp calls a jsptemplate in 

I'll start small and try to figure it out.  Looking at the demos doesn't 
answer all the questions because they sometines use links.  Why use 
links?  Why is some content in one place and some in another?

Alexander Kandzior wrote:

>You can also add folder names as "additionalresources", and all resources in
>that folder will then be treated as part of the module. So you don't need to
>add all of your hundreds of resources individually, but usually only the
>top-level folder where they are located.
>Best Regards,
Thanks, Alaxander.

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