[opencms-dev] help blank instalation page

Thomas M�rz thomasmaerz at gmx.de
Thu Apr 1 01:41:00 CEST 2004

"borys pomianek" <neozingrad at wp.pl> writes:

> hi. after choosing standard or advanced instalation opens a 
> blank page that suppose ( as i think ) connect to the database.
>  but it dosent its just a blank page.

Which page? The second after the first?

> i saw the same thread olready in the mailing archive but no 
> anser i could find.

"The dark side of the Force are they." [0]

> then i tryed to create a database. next i changed in the config 
> file all the "user=" to user=name_of_the_user
> password=the_database_password

"Try not. Do or do not, there is no try." [0]

> before this ocoured there was a problem with codding. it lookd 
> the same. the codding of my vm and the opencms kodding was 
> thesam but in mine there was no "-" after iso and in the opencms 
> there was iso-... insted of mine iso... so i changed the opencms 
> codding to the one without "-". then it worked but the problem 
> above acoured.

Well, let me resume, "it" worked, but the problem is an
"Adventure. Heh! Excitement. Heh! A Jedi craves not these things." [0]

"Beware of the dark side. Anger...fear...aggression. The dark side of
the Force are they." [0]

> i need this system for my organization and any help would be 

How do you know you need this?
"A Jedi must have the deepest commitment, the most serious mind." [0]

> very nice. i was programing a bit in java so i chosed this one 
> instead of php-ones.

"Ohhh! Great warrior! [laughs and shakes his head] Wars not make one
great!" [0]

> sory for my bad english iam from Poland

Sorry for my bad quoting, but I am from Germany.
Sorry for my bad English, but I am from Germany.

Sorry for my bad Polish, but what is the correct spelling of
"Pogotovje"? How was the sentence from my CD:
             [Pospo Pogotovje]?

Don't suppose me to be rude, but "You must unlearn what you have
learned." [0] "Once you start down the dark path, forever will it
dominate your destiny, consume you it will..." [0]

Don't suppose me to be rude, but is it you making fun of a "A Jedi's
strength ... from the Force"? [0]

Anyway, it is 1. of April, but this is real:

        If you want this all translated call my flatmate,
        she's from poland, Poznan.

T'Don't you call me a mindless philosopher you overweight glob of grease!'om

[0] http://www.some-guy.com/quotes/starwars.html

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