[opencms-dev] Moving server, exporting project data

M Butcher mbutcher at grcomputing.net
Wed Apr 14 18:30:02 CEST 2004

I noticed the exact same thing yesterday evening when I was doing an 
export through Database Management. I couldn't find a way to export 
projects. Also, it appears that the state information on the files is 
lost, as well.

I noticed that when I exported, it exported everything as it is in the 
Offline project, but looking at the manifest.xml, I can't see any 
metadata that flags some data as (for instance) locked and unpublished. 
Did I misread the file, or am I going to lose all of the state 
information when import?

I have been looking into using MySQL's mysqldump (actually, I was 
looking at the hotcopy util, but I can't remember what it's called right 
now) to dump the entire contents of the database. I can't think of any 
data that I would actually _lose_ by doing that.

Anybody have experience with either of these two methods of backing up?


Christian Pöcher wrote:
> Hello,
> I have the task to move some opencms webapps to a new server. For that I
> exported all content and all modules via Database Management or Module
> Management. When importing again on a fresh opencms all users and groups are
> imported, but the projects are lost. Is there currently a way to import
> them, too?
> What is your recommendation for moving the opencms webapp? Would you use a
> copy of the webapp folder and a database dump?
> TIA, chris

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