[opencms-dev] Mozilla preferences for using opencms?

manfred.schenk at zerobyte.de manfred.schenk at zerobyte.de
Thu May 6 12:36:04 CEST 2004


This mail is also available at www.opencms-forum.de because I had some
problems with the mail-programm this morning but I think the
mailing-list is the right place for this question.

I'd like to use Mozilla for my work with opencms. Unfortunatly there are
some nasty little things that prevent me from doing so:

there are some javascript issues where you have to change some settings
in mozilla to get them work.

I 've already found out that I have to allow the closing of a window
from javascript in mozilla by changing some value in "about:config"

The next problem I ran into is about forms with disabled buttons.

If the button is defined

<input disabled type=...

than there is no possibility to make this button work in mozilla because
of some javascript errors.

For now, I don't know if this is a bug in Mozilla or if opencms should

<input disabled="disabled" type=...

Perhaps it is an additional error that triggers this behaviour, so I'll
have to do some further investigation.

Anyone with similar problems/solutions around?


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