[opencms-dev] Unable to build OpenCms 5.3.5 (Ix) using JDK 1.4.2

david at ourbrisbane.com david at ourbrisbane.com
Mon Jun 21 04:44:01 CEST 2004


   I have checked out a copy of open cms from the cvs repositroy yesterday, and tried to build it on a redhat 
linux box against JDK1.4.2, but get a number of complie errors.

  A number of source files had inbalid caracheters in their javadoc, (which I removed)

  And a couple of files used sun.misc.BASE64Decoder, which I've also fixed.

  However I am still getting a number of build errors, 

  Is there any documention to fix these errors, Also is there any plans to move from jdk1.3 to jdk1.4 prior to 
this code leaving Beta?

Buildfile: build.xml
     [echo] Building OpenCms 5.3.5 (Ix)
     [echo] OpenCms input directory is: /home/cms/cms6.0/opencms
     [echo] OpenCms output directory is: /home/cms/cms6.0
     [echo] Java version detected: 1.4
     [echo] Tomcat home is: ${tomcat.home}
     [echo] Excluding from build: org/opencms/db/oracle/**
    [javac] Compiling 548 source files to /home/cms/cms6.0/build/classes-core
    [javac] /home/cms/cms6.0/opencms/src/sun/misc/CharacterEncoder.java:153: warning: The class 
`java.io.PrintStream' has been deprecated.
    [javac]        protected PrintStream pStream;
    [javac]                  ^
    [javac] org/dom4j/tree/AbstractDocumentType.java:0: error: non-static 
method 'org.dom4j.tree.AbstractDocumentType.getPath(org.dom4j.Element)' overrides static method
    [javac] org/dom4j/tree/AbstractDocumentType.java:0: error: non-static 
method 'org.dom4j.tree.AbstractDocumentType.getUniquePath(org.dom4j.Element)' overrides static method
    [javac] /home/cms/cms6.0/opencms/src/org/opencms/importexport/CmsImportVersion4.java:113: error: Invalid 
checked exception class `org.opencms.main.CmsException' in `throws' clause. The exception must be a subclass 
of an exception thrown by `org.opencms.importexport.A_CmsImport.importResources
ing,java.lang.String)' from class `org.opencms.importexport.A_CmsImport'.
    [javac]        public synchronized void importResources(CmsObject cms, String importPath, I_CmsReport 
report, MessageDigest digest, File importResource, ZipFile importZip, Document docXml, Vector excludeList, 
Vector writtenFilenames, Vector fileCodes, String propertyName, String propertyValue) throws CmsException {

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