[opencms-dev] (no subject)

Shama Sukul ssukul at spto.org
Thu Jun 24 22:37:01 CEST 2004

Hi all,

I am trying to add formatting styles to the drop down list in the
WYSIWYG editor.  After much analysis, I found that this seems to be
created by the following code (in:

<script LANGUAGE="vbscript">
Sub getStyles()
	' Create the block fmt names holder
	Set fmt =

	' Get the localized strings for the DECMD_SETBLOCKFMT command

	' Put the localized strings into a (JavaScript) array
	i = 0
	For Each fmtName In fmt.Names
		setStyles i, fmtName
		i = i + 1
End Sub

<object ID="ObjBlockFormatInfo"
CLASSID="clsid:8D91090E-B955-11D1-ADC5-006008A5848C" VIEWASTEXT>

Seemingly calling a class specific to Microsoft Internet Explorer and
registered in the windows registry.  What I want to know is:
1- Is this really the class that creates the styles in the formatting
2- Is there a way to add styles to the drop down list?
3- Is there a way to remove styles from the drop down list?

Any assistance will be much appreciated.

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