[opencms-dev] XML Content Demo

Alexander Kandzior alex at opencms.org
Tue Nov 2 16:29:10 CET 2004

> 1. Is it possible to control how the new xml content pages 
> are created?  For instance rather than "article_0001.html"  I 
> could have "10_04_04_Hurricanes_destroy_florida.html'  It 
> would be nice to have descriptive article names.  Perhaps 
> achievable with some regular expressions.

Check the "list.jsp" page for the "param" atribute. The schema is
"article_${number}.html". You can replace this string with your own name.
However, the basic idea is that there's some automatic function that
generates the name for you. So giving a individual name for every article is
currently only possible when you use the "new" function in the Explorer,
creating a new article.

> 2. In the code for the listing page, there is the 
> <cms:contentload> tag.
> What other values are there for collector="" other than 
> allInFolderDateReleasedDesc?

The basic idea is that there are some content collectors, which are defined
in the opencms-vfs.xml using the <collectors> node. Currentls there's only
one default collector defined. Each collector must implement the content
collector interface, and basically the name is just something that is
hardcoded in the collector to identify a special collection function. That
may sound difficult but in reallity is really trivial if you are into Java
progamming a bit. Check out the source code of the default collector
(available in CVS), it should all be pretty clear from there.

> 3. When adding a resouce type we give our resource type an id 
> number.  Do these numbers have to be continuous.  If there is 
> a type 12 and 14 but no type 13, is that a problem?  Is there 
> a maximum number? 

This is also all part of the collector logic. The default collector will
just try to find the "first free slot" for a new article number. More
sopisiticated implementations are of course also possible.

> 4.  When localizing our editors how do we link our 
> workplace.properties file to our editors? I created the file, 
> but I don't know how to make the localization take effect.

That question was already answerd by Andy Kriger. Dont't forget that after
file creation or mosification you must restart the system.

Best Regards,

Alexander Kandzior
Alkacon Software - The OpenCms Experts

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