[opencms-dev] XML Content Demo

Andy Kriger akriger at greaterthanone.com
Mon Nov 1 21:25:26 CET 2004

<most of message deleted for brevity - questions below>

7. Localizing the XML content editor and providing help texts Check the
/opencms/frontend/templateone/xmlcontentdemo/". If contains the workplace
translations and lables for the editor. Syntax should be pretty clear. Note
that you must restart OpenCms / Tomact if you make changes to one of the
properties files. Note that if you create your own module, the "classes"
folder must get exported as export point. 


Thank you for the detailed step-by-step.

I have a workplace.properties file in

How is the workplace.properties file connected to my resource type so that
the labels/help appear in the entry form? I am seeing the item in the New
dialog (so I got step 8 of the instructions working), but it is missing the
icon and my form does not contain my labels/help.


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