[opencms-dev] Error accessing "Current projects" in the admin view

Robert Burén robert.buren at gmail.com
Wed Nov 24 22:45:36 CET 2004


We're running our site on opencms 5.0.1, and I have configured an
apache reverse proxy to remove all traces of opencms in the urls. I
mention this because I suspect that this is relevant for the
problem... See my http.conf settings at the end of this mail.

Everything has been running fine now for a couple of weeks. I've made
a few updates of pages but nothing major yet.

Today, when I tried Project Management -> Current projects, and
clicked on "offline" which is out only project, I got an error.
Internet Explorer just shows an empty view, but clicking the error
icon in the status bar gives the following info:

Line: 6
Char: 1
Error: Permission denied
Code: 0
URL: http://www.bluefish.se/opencms/system/workplace/administration/project/currentprojects/administration_content_projectresent_files.html?projectid=4

The strange thing is that when I try to do the same thing in Firefox I
get a realm login prompt when I click on "Current projects", with the
prompt 'Enter username and password for "OpenCms" at
http://www.bluefish.se:80' (Note the casing of OpenCms.) Of course, I
haven't explicitly set up an OpenCms realm neither in Apache nor in
Tomcat, so I don't know what's happening. I do suspect that it is the
same problem, but with different symptoms, but I don't know.

Now, as I said, I suspect that it has _something_ to do with my
reverse proxy in apache, but I'm quite possibly totally wrong. As you
can see below, I map the paths beginning with /opencms, /resources and
/export to the same on my tomcat instance, and everything else is
mapped to /opencms. Did I miss anything here?

Anyone has another idea of what the problem might be?



Apache httpd.conf snippet:
ServerName www.bluefish.se
ServerAlias bluefish.se
UseCanonicalName off
NoCache *
ProxyPass /opencms/ http://leia.bluefish.se:8099/opencms/
ProxyPass /resources/ http://leia.bluefish.se:8099/resources/
ProxyPass /export/ http://leia.bluefish.se:8099/export/
ProxyPass / http://leia.bluefish.se:8099/opencms/
ProxyPassReverse / http://leia.bluefish.se:8099/opencms/

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